The Importance of an Exhaust Gas Analyzer

An exhaust gas analyzer is an amazing diagnostic tool that is often underutilized by repair shops. But the best shops know its value and use it to tune engines, troubleshoot, and prepare vehicles for emissions testing and compliance tests such as those for propane burnishers & grinders.

A exhaust gas analyzer measures the concentration of fuel dependent hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO) and oxygen in a vehicle engine’s flue gas as it leaves the combustion process. It does this by comparing the gas sample to a standard reference measurement of air. The analyzer uses non-dispersive infrared technology to detect the absorption of energy at a selected molecular resonance frequency (a characteristic of each particular gas). The instrument then converts this into an electrical signal that is recorded on its display.

Understanding Exhaust Gas Analyzers: A Comprehensive Guide”

This information is used to adjust the vehicle’s air/fuel mixture and maintain optimal engine performance, as well as to prevent engine damage from poor combustion. An emission test also saves vehicle fuel, helps to preserve the ozone layer and keeps our air clean.

A four-gas EGA can measure CO, HC and O2. Adding an Oxygen option is helpful as it compensates for the masking effect that catalytic converters have on CO and HC by measuring unburned oxygen from the engine. A five-gas EGA can measure NO, NO2, O2, and NH3 (nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide). These are derived from the combustion of nitrous oxides that form when the air/fuel ratio becomes leaner and the engine is under load.

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