There are several methods of Rat Pest Control Brisbane. Firstly, you need to seal off any entryways. Rats can enter through an opening of only fifteenmm, so you need to make sure all openings are well-covered. Alternatively, you can use a rat repellent. Lastly, you can call for pest control services of a professional company for guaranteed results.
The signs of rat infestation include droppings and noises inside your home. The droppings can be light brown or dark brown in color, and they resemble pellets. They also produce a distinct musky odor. You can also identify the burrows and nests for a rat infestation.
Rats can also cause serious damage to your home. Rats chew electrical wires, walls, and other items, and they also carry diseases. Exposure to dead rats can also cause serious health problems. They can also carry fleas and ticks. Getting rid of these pests is vital for the safety of your family.
The most common rat infestation sign is rat droppings. Rat droppings are brown, dusty, and rice grain sized. If you notice a lot of droppings, the rat may be living inside your home. You should contact a pest control company if you find them. In addition to droppings, you should also look for rat nests. You can find nests in soft materials such as cardboard or roof insulation. Rats also use holes in surfaces such as wood or plaster for shelter and food.