If your travel plans have fallen through or you’re simply an impetuous type who can’t bear the thought of missing out on a great hotel deal, we’ve got good news: last-minute bookings often yield amazing deals. Apps and sites that focus on last-minute discounts can be your savior in these situations. For example, the popular app Hotel Tonight shows a price for a room at the Four Seasons Miami for about $157, compared to $259 on the hotel’s website; and a stay at Maine’s White Barn Inn & Spa in Kennebunkport can be had for $300, down from $630.Read more :savieno.com
One caveat: The deals are based on hotels that have rooms available and are willing to offer discounted rates in exchange for filling them, and they are usually nonrefundable. Also, the deals can be for a particular night only, as opposed to the entire length of your stay.
Save Big on Accommodation: The Art of Last Minute Hotel Reservations
Some sites, such as Priceline and Hotwire, take the mystery-hotel approach to booking. These secret-hotel deals are known as ‘Express Deals’ and ‘Pricebreakers’, respectively. They’re lower in cost but make some people nervous because they don’t know which hotel they’ll get until after they book.
Other sites, such as Snaptravel and Hotel Tonight, show you the name of the hotel before you book, so you know what to expect. This allows you to weed out the hotels that don’t meet your standards and save even more money. You can also use more generalized search engines to compare prices across different sites before making a purchase.