AmorousHug the age of “girlboss” and “girl power” comes a new breed of women who earn their living as hookers. They’re college educated, fluent in French, and trained as classical pianists. They’re the kind of high-end escort Gov. Eliot Spitzer allegedly hired for quick sex, and they’re attracting the attention of industry leaders, politicians and celebrities who want brains, beauty and ambition rather than just quick sex.
Unlike street prostitutes, call girls don’t advertise their services in public and must arrange appointments by phone. Often, escorts are self-employed but some work for agencies and pimps. They can offer “incall” services where the client comes to her or “outcall” services where the girl goes to the client.
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Studies on the relationships between men and call girls are difficult to conduct because they are generally private and confidential. Nonetheless, some research suggests that men visit call girls for different reasons than they visit street prostitutes. Married men, for example, report being able to discuss matters with call girls that they wouldn’t discuss with their wives and that they sometimes turn to them for companionship.
Prostitution is illegal in California, but many people engage in it in a legal, consensual manner. If you or someone you know is charged with prostitution, you should speak to a Laguna Hills criminal defense attorney immediately to learn about your potential defense strategies. Your lawyer will review the facts of your case, and then determine the best strategy for your unique situation.