Day: October 20, 2024

What is a Temporary Job Assignment?What is a Temporary Job Assignment?

Mission intérim Roumanie involves the transfer of an employee from their home country to work in Romania for a temporary period of time. It’s typically arranged between multinational companies or organizations and enables the employee to retain their employment relationship with their home employer, while working temporarily in another country. The exact duration of the assignment is outlined in the assignment agreement between the two parties.

Mission Temporaire en Roumanie : Opportunités à Découvrir

Once the dates are set and all other relevant arrangements are agreed upon, the employer must confirm the secondment/assignment to the Romanian authorities through a written document known as the ‘assignment decision’ or ‘assignment contract’. It must include all of the necessary elements and be signed by both the assigning company and the employee.

It’s also worth noting that according to the applicable legislation, an international assignment of a Romanian employee is considered a temporary situation and therefore must be limited in time. Unless there are well-founded objective reasons, it’s not possible to extend the assignment beyond 12 months.

During the period of their international assignment, Romanian employees remain subject to the social security system of their home state (in this case Romania), but they are obliged to contribute to the local system as well. This is in line with the provisions of European legislation.

For workers with a fixed-term contract in Romania, the working day typically consists of 8 hours and full-time employees are required to have 48 weekly rest days (including weekends). However, probationary periods can be established, with a maximum of 90 days for executive positions and 120 days for managerial roles.…

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