Day: August 2, 2023

Pakistan Chitral KushPakistan Chitral Kush

pakistan chitral kush

Pakistan chitral kush  is a 100% indica landrace strain known for its high resin production and mellow and chilled-out high. It is popular with medical marijuana patients who suffer from insomnia, pain, anxiety, and eating disorders as it provides great relaxation without the sedating effects of other heavy indicas. It has an average THC level of 12% with low to moderate CBD content. This strain has a flowering time of eight to nine weeks and produces a moderate yield of up to 15 ounces per square meter indoors and 21 ounces per plant outdoors. It is a hardy strain that resists many environmental threats including white flies, heat, spider mites, and mildew.

“Pakistan Chitral Kush: Exploring the Rich Heritage and Effects of a Revered Cannabis Strai

Pakistani Chitral Kush (PCK) was created by Cannabiogen from a landrace strain found in the region of Pakistan’s Chitral. It has the typical indica aromas of pine and hops with notes of earth and citrus. It has very strong and long-lasting effects that are perfect for relaxing, easing tension, and relieving stress and depression. This cannabis variety can also be used for pain relief, nausea, and sleep problems.

PCK is a very resinous and hardy strain that can be grown both indoors or outdoor. This cultivar is known to tolerate a wide range of climates and does not succumb to mold easily, which is something rare for current Afghani strains that are usually susceptible to the cold and rain. It also produces a number of colorful phenotypes with pink, red, and purple hues as the plants reach maturity.

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